DEMO Auction 5 Minute Extended Bidding, all lots close at same time

DEMO Auction 5 Minute Extended Bidding, all lots close at same time


The virtual auction will close with horse race style bidding or extended bidding. This means that when the virtual auction event comes to its scheduled end time there will be 5 more minutes of extended bidding. If bidding continues the sale will stay open until there is a 5 minute stretch with no bidding on any lot. Once there is a full 5 minutes with no bidding on any lot, the whole event will close.

This Demo auction is scheduled to close at 1pm on December 3.

  • Example 1: The auction closes at 1pm, and goes into extended bidding. If there are no bids on any lot between 1pm and 1:05pm. The whole sale is declared closed at 1:05pm.
  • Example 2: The Auction is scheduled to close at 1pm, and goes into extended bidding. There is a bid on a lot at 1:02pm. Every lot remains open to bids. If there are no bids on any lot by 1:07, the whole sale is declared closed at 1:07pm.
  • Example 3: The Auction is scheduled to close at 1pm, and goes into extended bidding. There is a bid on a lot at 1:02pm. Every lot remains open to bids. Another bid is placed at 1:06. Every lot remains open. Another bid is placed at 1:10. Every lot remains open. If there are no bids on any lot by 1:15, and the whole auction is declared closed at 1:15pm.

You may use the maximum bidding feature throughout the extended bidding. A maximum bid will automatically increase your bid when someone else bids on this animal up to your set maximum.

If you are the highest bidder, or want to be, and the auction is coming to a close keep an eye on your Watchlist. During the bidding process you will not need to refresh your page to ensure you are viewing the most current bidding activity. The auction platform auto-refreshes the page, and the bidding is in real time.

BUYER FAQ - Please read Buyer FAQ on the upper right hand side of the screen in the navigation/menu bar to learn how to use watchlists, maximum bids and more.

New Bidders to the PELTON LIVESTOCK online auction must Create a New Account
Only registered bidders over the age of 18 can participate in Pelton Livestock online auctions. To register, select the Login/Register link on the right top side of the screen in the navigation bar. Register for a new account by entering your contact information, email address, desired password, etc. Once you submit the auction registration form, an email will be sent to email account provided. Please click link in email to activate your account. Prior to Prebidding opening day, view auction and click "request to bid" on any lot to be approved for bidding. Request will be sent to Seller and once approved, you will be notified that you can now bid live for that auction. Please keep your user information (email address and password) in a secure place as you can use the same account login for all online auctions hosted by Pelton Livestock. If you have any questions or need assistance with creating an account or bidding please Call PELTON LIVESTOCK Darci Sachdeva at 406-794-3174. 

All Bidders & Users - Please remember to activate your email and txt notifications to receive out-bid notifications for lots that you are bidding on if you are out bid. To confirm you will receive the bid notifications after you log in, In the top Right Corner of the screen go to My Account, Click on Preferences and confirm you have check marks beside your EMAIL & TEXT notifications and then click save. 
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Tag / Tattoo:1V
Sire:Hyland BC 0668
Current High Bidder:1****0
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Current High Bidder:1****9
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